The photo on the right shows my station in 1978. Left to right, Heathkit Apache (with 160 meters), BC-779 (Hammarlund Super Pro 1.25 MHz to 40 MHz, with Product Detector), Heathkit Marauder SSB Transmitter, Drake 2C with Q multiplier, and my Commodore 64 with home brew RTTY interface. Hanging from the shelf is a Heathkit 2036 synthesized 2 meter FM with matching power supply. A home brew touch tone pad for the 2 meter rig is dangling from the 2 meter radio. There is also a Heathkit keyer and paddles mounted to a scrap of bronze from a work project. A land mobile scope and deviation meter is sitting under the desk waiting for repair. My father's desk lamp (vintage WW2) is above. There used to be an ash tray where he put his cigars, but that was lost or broken. It now has a space in the W3GMS museum alongside a vintage station. For more info on the homebrew RTTY interface, click the link below. |